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LIZZY YAO presents the 4th episode of her GOOD VIBES ONLY 'TONIGHT'

LIZZY YAO presents the 4th episode of her GOOD VIBES ONLY 'TONIGHT'

This set mix with a lot of emotions, confusion, lost and unknown, but the intention is to raise our authentic vibrations.

With all the out-break news and negative energy around us, the higher the frequency of our vibration, the lighter we will feel in our physical, emotional, and mental bodies, experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, and purpose. 

TONIGHT, is the new moon, let's be present, be the best version of ourselves in this complicated world we are living right now, let this groove take you on a journey, turn on the speaker,  tap your feet, move your body, we’re all on the same journey, you're not alone.

Sending y'all the golden light through this set, love," LIZZY YAO